Since Lglt’s inception, the organization has accomplished great things in the Valley, and has received many honors.
Aileen Hughes Award (1998) for preserving a 6th generation dairy farm.
Worked with Maryland State and Baltimore County groups for 23 years to fund conservation efforts.
Conserved over 4,000 acres of farms, acreage and green space in the Long Green Valley National Historic District.
Planted over 8,000 trees along banks of Long Green Creek and its tributaries, protecting over 2 miles of watershed that empties into the Chesapeake Bay.
Organized local residents, Boy Scouts and volunteers for tree-planting, bird nest-box construction and for bluebirds and American kestrels.
$6 million from State of Maryland and Baltimore County to conserve Valley farms. Over $17,000 in grants from American Forests, Eddie Bauer, Chesapeake Bay Trust and E.P.A. to plant stream boarders.
Multi-year grant from a private foundation ($20,000/year) to be matched by other funding.
Received interest free loan from Maryland Environmental Trust for preservation of local farm. Loan repaid in 3 years and property preserved.